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June 10, 2015

Kidderminster Land and Field Hire

Find land to hire across Kidderminster. Kidderminster land for events, fields in Kidderminster for weddings, land for storage around Kidderminster, grazing land or general land to hire in and around the Kidderminster area.

Category: Worcestershire

3 thoughts on “Kidderminster Land and Field Hire

  • Abbie
    on May 31, 2016

    Hi guys,
    I too am after a field for a large marguee,
    Did any of you have any look in finding somewhere?


  • charlotte causer
    on February 25, 2016


    We’re looking for a field in the kidderminster area for our wedding reception. It would need to be fairly flat to put a Tipi on and somewhere for cars to park. We are hoping to camp over night, and if there are any toliet facilities that would be great but not essential.

    Really looking forward to hearing from you!

    Charlotte & Tom

  • Laura-Lee Bassett
    on August 11, 2015


    We’re looking for a field in the Kidderminster area to host our wedding party. It would need to be fairly flat to put a marquee on and somewhere for cars to park. We are hoping to camp over night and would love to be able to have a bonfire.

    Really looking forward to hearing from you!

    Andy and Laura

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