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June 3, 2015

Canterbury Land and Field Hire

Find land to hire across Canterbury. Canterbury land for events, fields in Canterbury for weddings, land for storage around Canterbury, grazing land or general land to hire in and around the Canterbury area.

Category: Kent

9 thoughts on “Canterbury Land and Field Hire

    on June 15, 2016

    Any information on the rent of your field would be appreciated – looking to hold wedding reception for my daughter in 2017

  • Lynsey
    on May 30, 2016


    I am looking for some land for a wedding in 2017 , mainly to allow for freedom .

    Any information and suggestions would be fantastic .

    I am looking for the Canterbury area.

  • Beth Kenny
    on February 23, 2016

    I it possible to have some more info please? Very interested in hiring for our wedding! Would like to know price and location x

  • Mark Bardsley
    on October 2, 2015


    My mother owns a small farm within 10 miles of Canterbury. We have a 10 acre flat grass field that could be made available and water and electricity could also be organised if required.

    Please get in touch if this is something which might be of interest.

    Many thanks


    • Elizabeth
      on November 1, 2015

      Hi Mark i would be very interested in this, for the possibility of a wedding reception, however not until 2017, any information would be very appreciated thank you

    • Claire
      on March 15, 2016


      Also really interested in this. Would you be able to send more info?

      Thanks 🙂

    • Joe
      on June 25, 2016

      Hi Mark,

      Would this land still be available for hire? I am looking to do a 30th birthday and would be looking for somewhere to camp, have a BBQ and music. Looking October 2016.

      If you could help this would be great.


    • Dev
      on November 7, 2016

      hi my name is dev, i’m interested in hiring some land for an event.
      could you please contact me via email

  • Barbara Calvert
    on September 21, 2015

    My son and his fiancée are looking for wedding venues in Kent that will allow them a little more freedom when they get married. Are you able to send me advice as to the availability of open land in Canterbury?

    With thanks.

    Barbara Calvert

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