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June 10, 2015

Redhill Land and Field Hire

Find land to hire across Redhill. Redhill land for events, fields in Redhill for weddings, land for storage around Redhill, grazing land or general land to hire in and around the Redhill area.

Category: Surrey

3 thoughts on “Redhill Land and Field Hire

  • Maria
    on September 10, 2016

    I’m looking for a field to hire for my 18th birthday party at the end of October / beginning of November. Do you know of any that would be willing to hire out their field for me.

  • Mark
    on March 6, 2016

    Hi Caroline,
    I may know of somewhere suitable but would rather not post their details public online.

    If you’re still looking for somewhere drop me an email on and I’ll put you in touch.


  • Caroline Birch
    on February 23, 2016


    I work for a construction company and I am trying to find private land that they can temporarily store building materials on. I wonder if you can point me in the right direction at all please?

    kind regards

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